Riverside County, CA
Lee Lake Water District
Project Highlights:
- 1.5 MG non-potable water storage tank (concrete tank, AWWA D110, type III)
- Non-potable booster pump station (comprised of a skid mounted triplex system with 350 gpm pumping capacity, pressure relief valve for surge protection, and a skid mounted sand filter)
- 12,000 LF of 12-inch PVC, non-potable water pipeline
Scope of Work:
- Existing Utility Research
- Potholing
- Field Survey & Aerial Mapping
- Base Map Preparation
- Geotechnical Investigation
- Preliminary Design Reports
- Pipeline Improvement Plans & Specifications
- Booster Pump Station Improvement Plans & Specifications
- 1.5 MG Water Tank Improvement Plans & Specifications
- Cost Estimating