The Engineering Department at Hunsaker & Associates is a multi-disciplined group of individuals who work together for the common goal of implementing a nd completing a project. All of the major engineering disciplines are represented within the company including hydrology and storm drain, improvement plans for sewer, water, and streets, grading and earthwork, surveying, final mapping, and cost estimating. Their strength lies in the varied depth of their experience. This experience is critical to the value added approach that is taken with every job. Working in concert with the planners, they are able to develop and implement plans that are sensitive to the actual form of land use arrangements, circulation elements, open space systems, building massing, and landscape treatments.

Building Information Modeling (BIM) Civil Services:
- Digital Terrain Modeling
- 3D Pipe Network Modeling
- Clash Detection Tracking and Reports
- Dynamic Quantity Take-off and Earthwork Calculations
- 3D Visualization (Enhanced Communication of Design Intent)
- Street, Highway and Water/Wastewater Facilities Design
- Link 3D Model to Construction Schedule for a 4D Experience

Construction Bidding / Management
- Construction Management
- Preparation of Bidder Invitations
- Preparation of Bidder List
- Preparation of Tender Documents

Drainage Design/Watershed Management
- CLOMR / LOMAR Analysis
- Hydraulic Calcs / Hydrology Reports
- Master Plans of Drainage
- Specifications and Provisions
- Storm Drain Pipeline / Drainage Structures / Channel Design

Public Works
Municipal and Regional Facilities Infrastructure
- Freeway, Highway, and Street Design / Rehabilitation
- Traffic Engineering
- Drainage Design / Flood Control Facilities
- Water Resources
- Water Quality Engineering (Stormwater quality & NPDES Compliance)
- Construction Bidding / Management

Subdivision Engineering
- As-Built Grading Plans
- As-Built Improvement Plans
- Cost Estimating
- Demolition Plans
- Dry Utilities Design
- Expert Witness Consulting
- Final Tract Map Preparation
- Fire Master Plans
- Golf Course Design
- In-tract Infrastructure Design and Improvement Plans
- Parking Distribution Plans
- Project Management / Administrative Services
- Retaining Wall Design
- Rough Grading Plans / Precise Grading Plans
- Value Engineering
- Wall and Fence Plans

Transportation Design and Improvements
- Street Improvement Plans
- Traffic Signal / Striping Plans

Water Quality Engineering (Stormwater Quality & NPDES Compliance)
- Erosion and Sediment Control Plans
- Hydromodification Analysis
- Sediment Transport Studies
- Site Inspections / Monitoring
- Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures
- Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plans (SUSMP)
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
- Water Quality Management Plans (WQMP)

Water Resources
- Infrastructure Master Planning and Hydraulic Modeling
- Life-cycle Cost Analysis
- Utility Coordination
- Water Master Plans
- Water Pipeline / Water Facilities Design
- Wastewater Master Plans
- Wastewater Pipeline / Wastewater Facilities Design